Sage and Solace Farm

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Embracing Regenerative Farming and Slow Living at Sage and Solace Farm

Nearly six years ago, Karl and I wanted to change our lives. After fighting illnesses to seemingly no end, we decided to start fresh and leave Vancouver.

After months of searching we were drawn to a piece of land that seemed to have lots of potential (we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into!) This was the birth of Sage and Solace Farm, a name that has since become synonymous with our lives work, and passion.

In the early days, the vision for Sage and Solace was clear yet daunting. We aimed to transform this neglected land into a flourishing example of regenerative farming. Our goal wasn't just to farm sustainably but to heal our piece of land, allowing it to renew itself and support life in a way it hadn't for decades. When we bought the property it seemed ready to use on the outside, but it turns out the soil had been neglected after decades of chemical use, making it nearly impossible to grow thriving and healthy crops. Through the process of composting, mulching, soil testing, vermicomposting, companion planting, and more we have turned the corner to healthy, nutrient-rich soil!

Sage and Solace after nearly 6 years of work

As our lifestyle changed from city business to farm business, we embraced the principles of slow living. This wasn't just a farming practice; it was a way of life. In the modern world of same-day shipping, instant fame, and fastest routes, the farm showed us that life itself takes years to thrive. Slow living allowed us to appreciate the rhythm of nature, the cycles of growth and rest, and the profound peace that comes from working closely with the earth. It taught us patience, resilience, and the importance of nurturing not only the land but also our souls.

Living naturally led us to explore sustainable tourism. We wanted others to experience the tranquility and beauty of Sage and Solace Farm, to share the joys of slow living and the rewards of regenerative farming. And so, we opened our farm to visitors, offering them a chance to disconnect from their hectic lives and reconnect with nature. Through workshops, farm stays, and hands-on learning experiences, guests at Sage and Solace Farm can immerse themselves in a lifestyle that prioritizes the well-being of the earth and its inhabitants.

Today, Sage and Solace Farm is an example of what can be achieved when we change our lives by living mindfully. As we look to the future, I’m excited about building community and of course, learning as much as possible. We dream of expanding our efforts in regenerative farming, enriching our sustainable tourism offerings, and fostering a community even more deeply connected to the philosophy of slow living.

The journey of Sage and Solace Farm is an ongoing story of transformation, growth, and hope. It's a story we are proud to share, and we invite you to be a part of it, whether through a visit, a workshop, or simply by embracing the values we hold dear in your own life.