Sage and Solace Farm

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Our Dried Flower Class

This month, we teamed up with West Coast Seeds for a super cool workshop all about making things with dried flowers. And we had a blast! A bunch of us got together to learn how to make our own dried flower wreaths and it was so much more fun than we even expected.

We've all wondered, "What can I make with dried flowers?" Well, this workshop showed us that there's a lot you can do with them, but wreaths were the star of the show. It's amazing how a few dried flowers can turn into something so beautiful for your home. And yes, these dried creations can last a long time if you keep them out of direct sunlight and away from damp spots. Pretty cool, right?

Making dried flower wreaths was the main event. Everyone got into it, picking out their flowers and shaping them into these amazing wreaths. We played with thousands of stems grown, harvested, and dried right here on the farm. It wasn't just about following steps; it was about putting a bit of ourselves into what we were making. That's the beauty of using dried flowers – they're super forgiving and versatile.

Beyond the craft, this workshop turned into something even better – a chance to hang out and make new friends. It was more than just learning about the uses of dried flowers. It was about sharing laughs, stories, and just enjoying a creative day together.

Looking back, this workshop was a hit, and we’re looking forward to the next one! Not only did we all learn how to make something new, but we also got to see how fun and rewarding gardening and crafting can be.

Hope to see you there next time. Who knows what we'll be making next, but one thing's for sure – it'll be a good time.