Sage and Solace Farm

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A Bit About Sage and How to Make Sage Tea</a>

Meet our Signature Drink, Sage and Lemon Tea

When it comes to herbal teas that offer a unique blend of flavor and health benefits, sage tea stands out as a true gem. Beyond being a soothing beverage, sage tea boasts an array of potential health advantages that have made it a cherished choice for centuries.

Sage isn't just a herb; there are many uses for sage: it's a handy ally for those who appreciate practicality. For homesteaders and those leaning towards natural living, sage boasts benefits that are as sensible as they are soothing. Sage is edible, and even has multiple health benefits!

As you can imagine, I grow a lot of sage here. And not just because it’s in the name of the farm. But becuase it’s so useful! I used to think that sage was a spice dedicated just for chicken, but upon some experimentation I was very wrong.

For Vancouver-area homesteaders, and one else in Zone 8, sage is easy to grow and has lots of varietals! Sage tea is more than just a drink – it's a practical embodiment of farm-to-cup simplicity. Brewing sage leaves is a nod to the seasons and a practical way to make the most of our surroundings.

A Sneak Peek into Our Langley Farm: Our Langley-based farm offers a practical retreat from city hustle. We celebrate natural beauty, and sage tea fits right into our practical, hands-on lifestyle that's all about making the most of what we have. Plus you can stay on the farm via one of our two AirBnB suites that you can rent!

The Benefits of Sage: A Closer Look

Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a perennial herb known for its distinctive aroma and rich history in traditional medicine. From boosting cognitive function to supporting digestive health, here are some of the remarkable benefits associated with sage:

  1. Enhances Cognitive Function: Sage contains compounds that have been linked to improved cognitive function, memory, and mental clarity. Regular consumption of sage tea may help enhance cognitive abilities.

  2. Rich in Antioxidants: Antioxidants are essential for combating free radicals and protecting cells from damage. Sage is loaded with powerful antioxidants, contributing to overall health and well-being.

  3. Digestive Support: Sage has been used traditionally to aid digestion and alleviate discomfort. It can help relax stomach muscles and reduce bloating, making it a natural remedy for digestive issues.

  4. Immune Boost: The antibacterial and antifungal properties of sage make it a supportive addition to your immune-boosting arsenal. It may help protect against common infections.

  5. Soothes Sore Throats: Sage has an astringent quality that can help soothe sore throats and alleviate irritation. Gargling with sage tea may provide relief from throat discomfort.

  6. Balances Menopausal Symptoms: Sage tea has been associated with easing menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. It helps regulate hormonal balance.

For those of you who have come to some of the events on the farm, you’ve tasted our tea and know truly how delicous and soothing it is. Ready to make your own? Read below to learn more!


  • 2-3 Fresh Sage Leaves

  • Lemon juice (or a lemon wedge)

  • Tea sweetener of your choice


Sage tea is amazingly easy to make and doesn’t require any time to dry the herb unlike most other herbal teas. To make is simple:

  1. Boil water and pour it over the sage leaves in a teapot or cup.

  2. Let the leaves steep for about 5-7 minutes to allow the flavors and beneficial compounds to infuse.

  3. Strain the tea to remove the leaves.

  4. Add honey or lemon if desired, for added taste and benefits.

I highly recommend adding lemon to help enrich the flavour of the sage.

As you walk into the rain of Vancouver, sage tea is an ally that makes sense. With every sip, you're tapping into a sensible lifestyle that's about connecting with the land, appreciating simplicity, and making practical choices.