10 Ways to Reignite Your Creative Spark

After years of keeping the house organized, keeping on top of schedules and striving at work; sometimes setting aside time to get creative can fall by the wayside.

“I used to paint y’know?” Sound familiar?

While some places offer week-long retreats in the hillsides of Europe to get the creative wheel spinning, there are small, great choices you can make wherever you are to reignite your creative spark.

1. Set Aside Dedicated Time

In our busy schedules, sometimes we can feel guilt for sitting down and doing “nothing”. However, if we schedule a specific time to get creative, it’s now part of the day and not an afterthought

Take time on your lunch break to do a quick journal entry, spend some time in the evening going on a quick walk or choose to spend time sketching instead of watching TV.

2. Create a Creative Space

Having a space you don’t have to worry about cleaning up or moving can let the creativity last longer. You don’t have to worry about cleaning up a halfway finished project or clearing off the dining room table.

Try out these ideas:

  • Art Nook - Anything from a small nightstand to a folding table with cozy lighting and a comfortable chair

  • Inspiration Board - Either on Pinterest or physically, try a board with ideas, swatches, found things, magazine clippings or anything that makes you do a double take.

  • Mobile Art Station - For those of us with minimal space, try a rolling cart with all your supplies inside.

3. Try Something New

Working in a new medium can help shake up the mind and see new angles. You don’t have to be an expert or buy the most expensive supplies.

Take a look into:

  • Painting - Either oil, acrylic, watercolour or even digitally!

  • Textiles - Embroidery, knitting & crochet, mending, there are lots of easy ways to try working with textiles

  • Sculpting - Use clay, wire, paste, newspaper or even found things from your adventures

  • Photography - Using your phone camera try shooting only in black and white, or only taking photos of one colour. Or hit up the thrift store and buy an old digital camera just to see what the photos look like!

4. Join a Workshop or Class

Creating in a community is almost always more beneficial than creating alone. Starting the process with like-minded people lets you bounce around ideas, hear other’s peoples thoughts and get good advice!

There are lots of ways to join a class;

  • Local Art Classes - Art galleries, creative centres, local instructors the list goes on. Simply Google “_____ classes near me” and you’ll find some good options!

  • Online Courses - Whether it’s a paid class or simply a YouTube series, you’ll find lots of options to learn some new skills online

  • Group Workshops - Places like Sage and Solace offer classes designed for groups. Where creatives can gather to learn, and inspire one another.

5. Keep a Journal

Empty your mind onto pages, and gather all your ideas as they come by keeping a small journal with you! We find that having a physical notebook and pen is often better than a note on your phone.

Not sure what to write about? Try out:

  • Morning Pages - With a maximum of one page, write out your dreams from last night, your goals for the day, or any free-flowing ideas you may have that need to let go. (this also works in the evening!)

  • Art Journal - Add in at least one sketch or doodle a day, anything from a small bushel of flowers to what you think the ocean sounds like and keep a visual diary.

  • Idea Log - Any thought, quote, art piece, dream, project or inspiration that pops into your head, jot it down!

  • Gratitude Journal - As you go about your day, take note of anything that makes you feel any positive emotion. From a funny comment at work to a new song you found and loved to the sound of the rain on the windows. Keep a positive mindset throughout your day.

6. Seek Inspiration from Others

Even Leonardo Da Vinci had role models and other artists he looked up to (Lorenzo de' Medici, Andrea del Verrocchio etc) Seek out other people’s work to find inspiration.

But be careful, there’s a fine line between inspiration and imitation. Be sure to be extra diligent in not crossing this line.

Where to find inspiration:

  • Visit Art Galleries and Museums - Most cities no matter how big or small have some sort of art gallery where you can see what other artists have done (this is also a great place to find community!)

  • Follow Artists on Social Media - The world is endless and vast, and the online world only brings it closer.

  • Read Books and Magazines - Find inspiration in art books, design magazines, and creative publications.

  • Watch Documentaries and Interviews - Learn about the journeys and processes of famous artists and creators.

7. Set Goals and Challenges

Force yourself to set a realistic goal that will help you stick to a plan of re-igniting your creativity.

Specific goals and challenges that we find helpful:

  • Complete One Piece of Art Each Month - Plan, design and create one complete art project a month

  • Participate in a 30-Day Challenge - There are lots of these challenges online, where you follow a short prompt to create some kind of art for that day.

  • Explore a New Technique Weekly - Research styles and mediums you’d like to try and give them a go!

8. Embrace Mistakes

As Bob Ross famously put it: “We don’t make mistakes, only happy accidents” Let yourself mess up, let yourself “waste” material for the sake of creativity (we suggest buying the less expensive stuff for this part)

  • Experiment Freely - Allow yourself to play with materials without worrying about the outcome. Don’t get too attached to anything you make until the very end.

  • Celebrate Happy Accidents - Sometimes unexpected results can lead to unique and beautiful creations.

  • Learn from Each Attempt - Everything is an option to learn, if you let it be. Take a step back and analyze “Where did I go wrong here?”

9. Find a Creative Community

Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can make a world of difference. Here’s how to find one:

Join Local Art Groups - Look for art clubs, meetup groups, or community center activities.

Engage in Online Forums - Participate in creative forums and groups on platforms like Reddit, Facebook, or dedicated art websites.

Attend Workshops and Events - Network with other artists during workshops and art fairs.

Share Your Work - Post your creations on social media and invite feedback and collaboration.

Join our email newsletter - We’ve spent time creating an online community filled with creatives and makers.

10. Take Care of Yourself

Your physical and mental well-being plays a crucial role in your ability to create. Here are some tips:

Prioritize Rest - Ensure you get enough sleep to maintain your energy and focus.

Eat Well - A balanced diet can improve your mood and cognitive function.

Exercise Regularly - Physical activity can boost your creativity and reduce stress.

Practice Mindfulness - Incorporate practices like meditation or yoga to enhance your mental clarity and creativity.

Reigniting your creative spark is a journey, and it’s perfectly okay to take it one step at a time. By incorporating these specific tips into your routine, you can rediscover the joy and fulfillment that creativity brings. Remember, creativity is not about perfection—it's about expression, exploration, and having fun. So, pick up that brush, pen, or camera, and start creating today!


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